About Us
About Nalanda College
Nalanda Law College l (NLC), Mumbai Suburban , was established in 2003 to create one of the best LLB colleges in Mumbai Surburban and at the time of establishment this was the only college till Silvasa being a sole college providing legal education for students catering law. The aim was to deliver class law education to discerning students. NLC is affiliated to Mumbai University and it caters to all round development quality of students personality while pursuing law. The campus being set up in a robust area of 1.8 aces and it boosts of having separate turf playing area, recreation and music room to soothe your soul and mind.

Our Vision
The college has its primary mission to prepare outstanding lawyers and legally trained professionals to serve their local. national. and global communities with excellence integrity, and professionalism: and through its service strives to contribute to the development of the law and society career to provide the youth with the best opportunities and environment for higher education and enable them to attain very high levels of academic excellence to inculcate students moral values and leadership qualities to make them appreciate the need for high ethical standards in personal. social and public life, to create students with social responsibility to reach out the disadvantaged sections of the society through our legal service programs.
Our Mission
Knowledge that will lead to happiness, peace, harmony and prosperity. To empower backward and rural students in legal education and to impart social and legal awareness and to create awakening of their rights and duties thus, making them saviour of law and justice. we believe individual from each stratum of society needs affordable, relevant and quality

Founder's Message

Prof. Laxmanrao Dhobale Sir
Founder, Chairman, Patron of Shahu Shikshan Sanstha, Pandharpur
Dear Friends,
For past many years working in Social as well as political life and inspired by the ideologies of great people like Mahatma Phule, Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and keeping in mind that ‘Economic, Social, Political, Cultural and Religious development of Human is impossible without Education’ I established State level education society ‘Shahu Shikshan Sanstha’ in 1980 Pandharpur.
Through the medium of this society a holy work of providing education in each Taluka and district of Maharashtra is done by Shahu Shikshan Sanstha, Pandharpur. Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, ITI, Hostel and Professional courses are offered in various colleges of Shahu Shikshan Sanstha.
In this modern age of globalisation at least one person of each household should have the knowledge of Law with this expectation Shahu Shikshan Sanstha has established 6 Law Colleges in Maharashtra. Mumbai, Kalyan, Pune, Ahmednagar, Pandharpur as well as to make the women competent in this field the first Women’s Law College in Maharashtra is established at Aurangabad.
It is my pleasure to tell all the parents that from academic year 2016-17 Maharashtra government has made CET compulsory for admission to course in Law. Students who pass CET can take admission to Course in Law in any of the colleges mentioned above. Our Shahu Shikshan Sanstha being a State level Education Society, Government employees and permanently migrating families can take benefit of our colleges spread across Maharashtra.
As a President while doing this educational work it is my expectation to take education to the lastand poorest of the poor students and no student should be deprived from education. Each student should get the opportunity to study, inspired with this only ambition I have been working till today and will continue to work in future as well.